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If I Report a White-Collar Crime, Am I Protected from Retaliation?

To the FBI. The FBI is the main government entity that investigates white-collar crimes. The bureau works with other governmental and private entities such as:

  • The Securities and Exchange Commission.
  • The US Attorney’s Office in the jurisdiction where the crime occurred
  • State Investigative Agencies.
  • The U.S. Postal Inspection Service.
  • The Internal Revenue Service.

To report the crime to the FBI:
Call the FBI field office near you.

To your boss:
If you have witnessed a crime, such as a co-worker embezzling funds, you can report this to your supervisor. If it is the supervisor you suspect, report directly to the owner of the business. You are protected by whistle-blower statutes designed to protect those who report white collar crimes from retaliation by their bosses. At times, the statutes also have provisions for compensating those who report the crimes.

To other government entities:
Depending on the type of white-collar crime committed, there may be other governmental organizations to whom you should report the crime. You can also be protected by the whistle-blower statutes.

To Discuss Reporting a White-Collar Crime or the Whistle-Blower Statutes, Contact Michael J. Wynne either at mwynne@gwafirm.com or by calling (281) 450-7403.

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