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Cameron Powell

Of Counsel

Cameron Powell is a lawyer, technology entrepreneur, writer, and coach. Following a B.S. in Business from the University of Colorado, and a J.D. from Harvard Law School, Cameron mastered high-stakes federal litigation and intellectual property at the Department of Justice and Foley & Lardner before embarking on a 23-year business innovation career within 12 tech startups as a CEO, Chief Marketing Officer, and General Counsel who played nearly every role in advancing innovation and building value.

Intelligent Applications of Technology

Now an expert in AI law, policy, and technology, Cameron leads projects that use AI-based smart technology and team-based approaches to perform document discovery with greater success at less cost and to produce legal research that, combined with his decades of experience in storytelling, yield better work product per dollar. Cameron draws on the expertise of multidisciplinary teams of lawyers, technologists, and talent experts that clients need to truly understand their risks and opportunities from traditional and generative AI. Cameron is also a sought-out board advisor to AI-driven tech companies, currently advising five.

Multidisciplinary Teams

Cameron believes that in any legal matter, the smartest people in the room are the clients, and that to exclude their knowledge, to say nothing of their passion, is one of the most serious mistakes lawyers can make. That’s why his teams, whether solving problems or ideating creative solutions, put the client at their very center, using smart collaborative technologies like generative AI and applying lean and agile methods learned from the world’s most efficient and innovative software-development teams. The result? Better outcomes, more cost-effectively.


Cameron is also passionate about evidence-based storytelling, unearthing just the right facts about people, projects, and organizations to create the most persuasive stories — stories for why his clients should win cases, negotiate better, raise money, attract employees, sell at a profit, or become better known. Cameron writes and speaks on human-centered AI law and ethics as well as end-of-life issues, from palliative care for the body to healing psychedelics for the soul. He’s the author of several books, including Ordinary Magic: Promises I Made My Mother Through Life, Illness, and a Very Long Walk, a love story at the end of life.

Selected additional experience includes:

  • Represented 11 successful clients in trials featuring the Voting Rights Act, the 2020 election in Georgia, and election integrity efforts in several Western states
  • Successfully represented clients in rare victories in healthcare fraud and Anti-Kickback Statute conspiracy trials
  • Received the United States Attorney General’s Commendation for successful trial defense of the Clean Air Act in Missouri v. United States
  • Invited to deliver expert testimony on business and technology before the U.S. House, Senate, and federal agencies.
  • CEO and Co-Founder, Physician Cognition (differential diagnosis and workup algorithm). SVP of Strategic Development and General Counsel, Earth Class Mail (postal mail). VP of Business Development and General Counsel, SnapNames.com (domain names)
  • Founder and Chief Storyteller, High Performance Story, guiding organizations in turnarounds of their Storytelling, from branding and positioning to fundraising, marketing communications, employer branding, and strategic negotiations and litigation.
  • Coached founders who have raised over one billion dollars.
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